Being doctoral candidate

Next defenses

5 September 2024 - 10:30 -Hugo PITARD

Analyse Ascendante de la Fiabilité des technologies digitale CMOS et de moyenne puissance EDMOS pour les imageurs CMOS (SPAD)
Bottom-up analysis of the reliability of digital CMOS and medium power EDMOS technologies for CMOS imagers (SPAD)
Directeur de thèse : Alain BRAVAIX
Adresse : Place G. Pompidou, 83000 Toulon. ISEN Toulon - Amphithéâtre

12 September 2024 - 9:00 -Aicha MEHIROU ZOUGGAR

Etude de la Qualité de la biodiversité et du potentiel biotechnologique de la population de microorganismes extrémophiles de la zone humide d’Ain Skhouna.
The biodiversity quality and the biotechnological potential studies of the extremophilic microorganisms population of Ain Skhouna wetland.
Directeur de thèse : Anne CHENUIL-MAUREL
Adresse : Université Oran1 ahmed BEN BELLA , Oran. Algérie - Oran1 Ahmed BEN BELLA

12 September 2024 - 10:00 -Geoffrey HAMPARSOUMIAN

Développement d’un "Product & Process Monitoring Block" (PPMB) intégré pour la mesure sur puces de la variabilité process des technologies CMOS avancées
Development of an integrated Product Process Monitoring Block (PPMB) for the measurements on chips of the process variabilities in advanced CMOS technologies
Directeur de thèse : Alain BRAVAIX
Adresse : Bâtiment Louis Néel – Technopôle de Château Gombert 5 rue Enrico Fermi 13453 Marseille - Amphithéatre Neel

Develop your competencies

  • Doctoral education in numbers

    12 doctoral schools, 3300 doctoral candidates among which 39% are internationational, over 800 new doctoral candidates per year, more than 600 doctoral degrees awarded each year in 81 disciplines/specialties, over 2500 qualified supervisors affiliated to 137 research units/teams of Aix-Marseille University and its partners.

  • Education to and through research

    Doctoral education at Aix-Marseille University represents an important part of its research and training offer. It covers a wide range of disciplines and scientific fields in the hard sciences, life and health sciences and in the humanities and social sciences, and benefits from a wide range of accompanying, disciplinary, interdisciplinary and transverse trainings.

  • Harmonize and federate

    12 doctoral schools federated within a Doctoral College whose main missions is to organize, coordinate and conduct doctoral education policy of Aix-Marseille University (AMU). To accomplish these missions, it relies on the Doctoral Education Directorate (DED), which its implementation administrative structure. The DED is one of AMU’s central services.