Being doctoral candidate

Next defenses

29 April 2024 - 14:00 -Juliette LOZANO--GOUPIL

Synchronisation intra et interpersonnelle et perception sociale, étude des interactions sociales dans la schizophrénie
Intra- and interpersonal synchrony and social perception, a study of social interactions in schizophrenia
Directeur de thèse : Ludovic MARIN
Adresse : UFR STAPS de Montpellier, 700 Avenue du Pic saint Loup, 34090 Montpellier - Amphithéâtre A

3 May 2024 - 9:00 -Gaëtan PERROTTE

Apport des indicateurs physiologiques et posturaux pour la détection de la somnolence au volant en conduite partiellement autonome
Added value of physiological and postural indicators to the detection of drowsiness at the wheel in partially autonomous driving
Directeur de thèse : Jean-Louis VERCHER
Adresse : 163 Avenue de Luminy, Faculté des Sciences du Sport, 13009, MARSEILLE, FRANCE - Amphithéâtre Jacques Paillard

6 May 2024 - 13:00 -Louise SIMONNET

Caractériser les Macrophages : la Langue comme Modèle
Characterising Macrophages: Harnessing the Tongue as a Model
Directeur de thèse : Jean-Louis MEGE
Adresse : Hexagone, bibliothèque universitaire de Sciences de Luminy 163 Avenue de Luminy 13009 Marseille - Amphithéatre

Develop your competencies

  • Doctoral education in numbers

    12 doctoral schools, 3300 doctoral candidates among which 39% are internationational, over 800 new doctoral candidates per year, more than 600 doctoral degrees awarded each year in 81 disciplines/specialties, over 2500 qualified supervisors affiliated to 137 research units/teams of Aix-Marseille University and its partners.

  • Education to and through research

    Doctoral education at Aix-Marseille University represents an important part of its research and training offer. It covers a wide range of disciplines and scientific fields in the hard sciences, life and health sciences and in the humanities and social sciences, and benefits from a wide range of accompanying, disciplinary, interdisciplinary and transverse trainings.

  • Harmonize and federate

    12 doctoral schools federated within a Doctoral College whose main missions is to organize, coordinate and conduct doctoral education policy of Aix-Marseille University (AMU). To accomplish these missions, it relies on the Doctoral Education Directorate (DED), which its implementation administrative structure. The DED is one of AMU’s central services.