
Techniques maîtrisées

- extraction ADN/ARN/protéines - séquençage - CGH - transcriptome - western blot -culture cellulaire


Intitulé : Pathologie Humaine - Spécialité Oncologie
1ère inscription en thèse : Octobre 2010
École doctorale : Sciences de la Vie et de la Santé
Date de soutenance de la thèse : 27 Septembre 2013
Sujet : Caractérisation moléculaire des syndromes myéloprolifératifs non leucémie myéloide chronique
Directeur de thèse : Daniel BIRNBAUM
Co-directeur : Anne MURATI
Unité de recherche : CRCM - Centre de Recherche en Cancérologie de Marseille
Intitulé de l'équipe : Oncologie moléculaire


Intitulé : pathologie humaine
Juin 2010 - La Timone

Langues vivantes

Anglais : Scientifique
Italien : Scolaire

Production scientifique

  • Mutations of ASXL1 gene in myeloproliferative neoplasms.
    Leukemia 2009
    Carbuccia N., Murati A, Trouplin V, Brecqueville M, Adélaïde J, Rey J, Vainchenker W, Bernard O, Chaffanet M, Vey N, Birnbaum D & Mozziconacci MJ.
  • Rare mutations in DNMT3A in myeloproliferative neoplasms and myelodysplastic syndromes.
    Blood Cancer Journal 2011
    Brecqueville M, Cervera N, Gelsi-Boyer V, Murati A, Adélaïde J, Chaffanet M, Rey J, Vey N, Mozziconacci MJ & Birnbaum D.
  • Mutations and deletions of the SUZ12 polycomb gene in myeloproliferative neoplasms.
    Blood Cancer Journal 2011
    Brecqueville M, Cervera N, Adélaïde J, Rey J, Carbuccia N, Chaffanet M, Mozziconacci MJ, Vey N, Birnbaum D, Gelsi-Boyer V & Murati A.
  • Alterations of polycomb gene BMI1 in human myeloproliferative neoplasms.
    Cell Cycle 2012
    Brecqueville M, Adélaïde J, Bertucci F, Finetti P, Chaffanet M, & Murati A.
  • Mutation Analysis of ASXL1, CBL, DNMT3A, IDH1, IDH2, JAK2, MPL, NF1, SF3B1, SUZ12, and TET2 in Myeloproliferative Neoplasms.
    Genes, Chromosomes & Cancer 2012
    Brecqueville M, Rey J, Bertucci F, Coppin E, Finetti P, Carbuccia N, Cervera N, Gelsi-Boyer V, Arnoulet C, Gisserot O, Verrot D, Slama B, Vey N, Mozziconacci, MJ, Birnbaum D & Murati A.
  • Array comparative genomic hybridization and sequencing of 23 genes in 80 patients with myelofibrosis at chronic or acute phase.
    Haematologica 2013
    Brecqueville M, Rey J, Devillier R, Guille A, Gillet R, Adélaide J, Gelsi-Boyer V, Arnoulet C, Chaffanet M, Mozziconacci MJ, Vey N, Birnbaum D & Murati A.
  • Myeloid malignancies: mutations, models and management.
    BMC Cancer 2012
    Murati A, Brecqueville M, Devillier R, Mozziconacci MJ, Gelsi-Boyer V & Birnbaum D.
  • Mutations in ASXL1 are associated with poor prognosis across the spectrum of malignant myeloid diseases.
    Journal of hematology & oncology 2012
    Gelsi-Boyer V, Brecqueville M, Devillier R, Murati A, Mozziconacci MJ & Birnbaum D
  • Molecular similarity between myelodysplastic form of chronic myelomonocytic leukemia and refractory anemia with ring sideroblasts.
    Haematologica 2013
    Gelsi-Boyer V, Cervera N, Bertucci F, Brecqueville M, Finetti P, Murati A, Arnoulet C, Mozziconacci MJ , Mills K, Vey N & Birnbaum D.
  • Acute myeloid leukemia with myelodysplasia-related changes are characterized by a specific molecular pattern with high frequency of ASXL1 mutations.
    American Journal of Hematology 2012
    Devillier R, Gelsi-Boyer V, Brecqueville M, Carbuccia N, Murati A, Vey N, Birnbaum D & Mozziconacci MJ.