Début du module 15/01/2024
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Observations The class covers theoretical aspects of field theory, using GR and gauge theories as examples, and it is therefore rather transversal across the theory side of IPHU. Throughout the class, comments are made on the relevance for other topics, such as particle physics, dynamical systems, gravitational waves.
Catégorie Séminaires disciplinaires et transdisciplinaires - Formations scientifiques
Mots clés Classical field theory, general relativity, Hamiltonian mechanics, Noether theorem
Organisation des sessions
Nombre d'heures : 15
Inscrits : 2
Min participants : 5
Max participants : 30
Public prioritaire : Aucun
Public concerné : Doctorant(e)s
Proposé par Ecole Doctorale Ecole Doctorale Physique et Sciences de la Matière