chercheur en milieu académique*chercheur en entreprise, R&D du secteur privé*pilotage de la recherche et de linnovation, gestion de projets innovants, pilotage de structures innovantes*
Techniques maîtrisées
Biologie moléculaire
Analyse de données bio-informatiques
Culture bactérienne
Microsoft Office
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Word
Microsoft PowerPoint
Intitulé : Biologie-Santé - Spécialité Maladies Infectieuses
1ère inscription en thèse :
September 2015
École doctorale :
Sciences de la Vie et de la Santé
Date de soutenance de la thèse :
5 July 2018
Sujet :
L'analyse des séquences de génomes bactériens en tant que source d'information taxonomique.
Directeur de thèse :
Pierre-Edouard FOURNIER
Co-directeur :
Unité de recherche :
VITROME - Vecteurs Infections TROpicales et Mediterranéenne
Intitulé de l'équipe :
VITROME - E6 - Surveillance épidémiologique et moléculaire des maladies infectieuses
Intitulé : Pathologie Humaine,
July 2015 - AMU
Mention : Assez Bien
Langues vivantes
Français : C2 - Courant
Anglais : B2 - Intermédiaire supérieur
Wolof : C2 - Maternel
Production scientifique
Olegusella massiliensis gen. nov., sp nov., strain KHD7(T), a new bacterial genus isolated from the female genital tract of a patient with bacterial vaginosis
Khoudia Diop, Awa Diop, Florence Bretelle, Frederic Cadoret, Caroline Michelle, Magali Richez, Jean-Francois Cocallemen, Didier Raoult, Pierre-Edouard Fournier, Florence Fenollar
Microbial culturomics unravels the halophilic microbiota repertoire of table salt: description of Gracilibacillus massiliensis sp. nov.
Microbial Ecology in Health and diseases
Diop A, Khelaifia S, Armstrong N, Labas N, Fournier P-E, Raoult D, Million M
Khoudiadiopia massiliensis' gen. nov., sp. nov., strain Marseille-P2746, a new bacterial genus isolated from the female genital tract
New Microbes and New Infections
Awa Diop, Didier Raoult, Florence Fenollar, and Pierre-Edouard Fournier
Butyricimonas phoceensis sp. nov., a new anaerobic species isolated from the human gut microbiota of a French morbidly obese patient
New Microbes and New Infections
Togo AH, Diop A, Dubourg G, Nguyen TT, Andrieu C, Caputo A, Couderc C, Fournier PE, Maraninchi M, Valero R, Raoult D, Million M
The impact of culturomics on taxonomy in clinical microbiology
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek
Rita Abou Abdallah, Mamadou Beye, Awa Diop, Sofiane Bakour, Didier Raoult, Pierre-Edouard Fournier
Rickettsial genomics and the paradigm of genome reduction associated to increased virulence
Microbes and Infections
Awa Diop, Didier Raoult and Pierre-Edouard Fournier
Draft Genome Sequence of Ezakiella peruensis Strain M6.X2T, a human fecal Gram-stain positive anaerobic coccus
Genome announcement 2018
Awa Diop, Khoudia Diop, Aurelia Caputo, Enora Tomei, Didier Raoult, Florence Fenollar, Pierre-Edouard Fournier
Draft genome sequence of Megamonas funiformis strain Marseille-P3344 isolated from the human fecal microbiota
Genome announcement 2018
Mossaab Maaloum, Awa Diop, Sokhna Ndongo, Aurelia Caputo, Enora Tomei, Didier Raoult, Florence Fenollar, Pierre-Edouard Fournier
Microbial culturomics to isolate halophilic bacteria from table salt: Genome sequence and description of the moderately halophilic bacterium Bacillus salisense sp. nov.
New Microbes New Infect
El hadji Seck, Awa Diop, Gregory Dubourg, Nicholas Armstrong, Nicolas Armstrong; Jérémy Delerce; Pierre-Edouard Fournier, Didier Raoult, Saber Khelaifia
Microbial Culturomics Broadens Human Vaginal Flora Diversity: Genome Sequence and Description of Prevotella lascolaii sp. nov., a new species isolated from the genital tract of a patient with bacterial vaginosis.
OMICS. 2018
Khoudia Diop, Awa Diop, Anthony Levasseur, Oleg Mediannikov, Catherine Robert, Carine Couderc, Florence Bretelle, Didier Raoult, Pierre-Edouard Fournier, Florence Fenollar
Genome sequence and Description of Gracilibacillus timonensis sp. nov. strain Marseille-P2481, a moderated halophilic bacteria first isolated in human gut: An example of the Microbial Culturomics Revolution.
Awa Diop, El hadji Seck, Gregory Dubourg, Nicholas Armstrong, Caroline Michelle, Didier Raoult, Pierre-Edouard Fournier
Characterization of a novel Gram-positive Anaerobic Coccus isolated from the female genital tract: Genome sequence and Description of Murdochiella vaginalis sp. nov
Diop, Khoudia; Diop, Awa; Khelaifia, Saber; Robert, Catherine; di pinto, Fabrizio; Delerce, Jeremy; Raoult, Didier; Fournier, Pierre-Edouard; Bretelle, Florence; Fenollar, Florence