Obtaining a Ph.D. at Aix Marseille University in collaboration with CEA Cadarache is a great opportunity for me to become a highly qualified specialist in the field of plasma physics. My motivation for this Ph.D. position is to continue to work in the area of nuclear fusion where I have undertaken the advanced studies. I see my future career dedicated to this research area and I want to obtain as good education as possible.



Adresse professionnelle

PHYSIQUE des INTERACTIONS IONIQUES et MOLÉCULAIRES Centre de St-Jérôme PIIM - UMR CNRS 7345 Service 241 Avenue Escadrille Normandie-Niémen 13397 MARSEILLE CEDEX 20

Techniques maîtrisées

I have experience in working with experimental installations designed to study the properties of low-temperature plasmas, which was a part of Laboratory Course at Stuttgart University and a goal of "Hands-on Training Course in Plasmalab" at Eindhoven University of Technology. The data analysis of the experiments was afterwards performed with the applicable software and the extracted conclusions were assembled in form of the report, which has contributed to my ability to write scientific articles. I have also experience in programming gained while taking the course of programming in C++ Builder at the Center of Postgraduate Education in Kharkiv. I have also successfully completed the one-year course of Simulation Methods at Stuttgart University, which gave me necessary skills to simulate quantum mechanical systems, find numerical solutions of partial differential equations and conduct Molecular Dynamics and Monte Carlo simulations. Operating systems: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Linux, Mac OS Languages of programming: C, C++ Programs: OriginPro, WinSpectrum, Mathematica, Matlab, Borland C++ Builder, Gnuplot, Microsoft Office, Open Office


I am a good listener and communicator who effectively conveys information verbally and in writing; collaborative, easy in learning languages, adaptive to life style and work in different countries. I have experience in organization and participation in team work with young people. I have taken part in many student activities at my university in Ukraine and abroad during the Erasmus Mundus FUSION-EP Master Program.


1ère inscription en thèse : Octobre 2012
École doctorale : Physique et Sciences de la Matière
Date de soutenance de la thèse : 16 Novembre 2015
Sujet : Etude de la production en surface d’ions négatifs en plasma d’hydrogène et de deutérium : Applications à la nouvelle génération d’injecteurs de neutres d’ITER et DEMO
Directeur de thèse : Gilles CARTRY
Co-directeur : Alain SIMONIN
Unité de recherche : PIIM - Physique des Interactions Ioniques et Moléculaires
Intitulé de l'équipe :


Intitulé : European Master in Nuclear Fusion Science and Engineering Physics
Juillet 2012 - Erasmus Mundus FUSION-EP
Mention : Assez Bien

Langues vivantes

Anglais : C2 - Courant
Allemand : C2 - Courant
Russe : C2 - Maternel
Ukrainien : C2 - Maternel

Production scientifique

  • Cs-Doped Mo as Surface Converter for H−/D− Generation in Negative Ion Sources: First Steps and Proof of Principle
    AIP Conference Proceedings 2015
    Schiesko, L., G. Cartry, C. Hopf, T. Höschen, G. Meisl, O. Encke, P. Franzen, B. Heinemann, K. Achkasov, C. Hopf, and U. Fantz
  • First experiments with Cs doped Mo as surface converter for negative hydrogen ion sources
    Journal of Applied Physics 2015
    L. Schiesko, G. Cartry, C. Hopf, T. Höschen , G. Meisl, O. Encke, B. Heinemann, K. Achkasov, P. Amsalem and U. Fantz
  • Dynamic fuel retention in tokamak wall materials: a laboratory study of deuterium release from polycrystalline tungsten at room temperature
    Journal of Nuclear Materials 2015
    Bisson R, Markelj S, Mourey O, Ghiorghiu F, Achkasov K, Layet J-M, Roubin P, Cartry G, Grisolia C and Angot T
  • R&D around a photoneutralizer-based NBI system (Siphore) in view of a DEMO Tokamak steady state fusion reactor
    Nuclear Fusion 2015
    A. Simonin, Jocelyn Achard, K. Achkasov, S. Bechu, C. Baudouin, O. Baulaigue, C. Blondel, JP. Boeuf, D. Bresteau, G. Cartry, W. Chaibi, C. Drag, H.P.L. de Esch, D. Fiorucci, G. Fubiani, I. Furno, R. Futtersack, P. Garibaldi, A. Gicquel, C. Grand, Ph. Guittienne, G. Hagelaar, A. Howling, R. Jacquier, M.J. Kirkpatrick, D. Lemoine, B. Lepetit, T. Minea, E. Odic, A. Revel, B.A. Soliman, P. Teste
  • Formation of thin tungsten oxide layers: characterisation and exposure to deuterium
    Physica Scprita 2015
    Y. Addab, C. Martin, C. Pardanaud, J. Khayadjian, K. Achkasov, D. Kogut, G. Cartry, G. Giacometti, M. Cabié, J.L Gardarein, and P. Roubin