There are different possibilities/types of thesis funding. First of all, there is the doctoral contract which represents, in France, one of the main sources of funding for the doctorate. At Aix-Marseille Université (AMU), the recruitment processes for doctoral candidates on the institution's doctoral contracts are organized in large part by the Doctoral Schools (DS) (cf. DS websites) and in partly by the Doctoral College, which coordinates 5 call for proposals for thesis projects.: Inter-ED, AMU-DGA (club des partenaires de la DGA), AMU-CEA Cadarache, International Humanities Partnership and the H2020-MSCA-COFUND DOC2AMU programme.
Other sources of funding for the thesis include the CIFRE (Convention Industrielle de Formation par la Recherche) contracts, the EJD (Emploi Jeunes Doctorants) contracts funded by the PACA (Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur), the Labex, A*MIDEX, …
Most French research organizations, EPST (CNRS, INRIA, IRD, …) or EPIC (CEA, IRSN, CNES, …) also fund thesis projects in the framework of doctoral or research contracts. There are also other sources of thesis funding proposed by foundations or research associations (FRM, AFM, Ligue contre le cancer, Oréal, …).