Début du module 24/11/2022
Date limite d'inscription 17/11/2022
Lieu Formation à distance
Observations Participants are advised (but not mandatory) to buy the book ‘Scientific Writing for Impact Factor Journals' (Nova, ebook and softcover) by E. Lichtfouse, which contains complementary and detailed information.

Starting between 8 and 9 am, ending at 5 pm, with several breaks. The precise schedule will be communicated to you by the trainer a few days before the training.
Catégorie Compétences propres au métier de chercheur - Formations professionnalisantes
Mots clés Publication, communication, article
Organisation des sessions
Nombre d'heures : 7
Inscrits : 35
Min participants : 10
Max participants : 30
Public prioritaire : Aucun
Public concerné : Tout doctorant de Aix-Marseille
Direction de la Formation Doctorale AMU